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ELPENOR - Home of the Greek Word

Athos Holy Mount

22.4 Divine Liturgies
Xeropotamou Monastery, Library
Rome, Demetrios Doukas


The Original New Testament

The Divine Liturgies of St John Chrysostom and St Basil the Great, and the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. Archbishop Germanos of Constantinople, Church History and Mystical Theory.

fol.[74]+p.[1].- A fine two-colour edition, with red headpieces and initial letters taken from the books published by Zacharias Kalliergis the Cretan. The publisher, Demetrios Doukas the Cretan, had published books in Venice (1508-1509), Spain (Alcala, 1514) and Rome (1526-1527).

This is the first edition containing all three Liturgies, which by 1800 had been published sixty times. The three Liturgies were also published together with the title Leitourgikon (from 1683; four editions before 1800). The Liturgies were also printed singly. Up to 1800 we know of thirteen editions of the Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, three of the Liturgy of St Basil the Great, and one each of the Liturgies of the Presanctified Gifts and of St James.

Copies of this book are also to be found on Mount Athos at the monasteries of Vatopedi (without title page), Esphigmenou and the Great Lavra (mutilated).

Bibliography: Legrand 1885-1903, I, no. 76.

Index of exhibits of Monastery of Xeropotamou
16th century

The Authentic Greek New Testament Bilingual New Testament I

Icon of the Mother of God and New Testament Reader Promote Greek Learning
Three Millennia of Greek Literature

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