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Athos Holy Mount

Greek Documents
13.41 Sigillion-letter of the Patriarch Timothy II
6 December (1616)
Dionysiou Monastery, Archives
Parchment, 73.5 x 61.4 cm
From the middle of the bottom margin, suspended on a blue cord, is the lead seal of the Patriarch.


The Original New Testament

The monks of the Dionysiou Monastery have asked the Patriarch and the Synod to ratify the content of an earlier sigillion issued by Patriarch Antonios (in July 1389), proclaiming the Monastery a patriarchal stauropegion. The Patriarch, having taken the counsel of Patriarchs Athanasios of Antioch and Theophanes of Jerusalem, there present, as well as the retinue of the latter, declares his opinion that the document is valid, certain and irreversible. The Dionysiou Monastery is thus recognised as a patriarchal stauropegion, free and independent. It is to be a cenobitic community, its hegumen is to be elected from among all the brothers, and it is to commemorate only the Patriarch. Neither the Protos of Mount Athos nor the Bishop of Ierissos shall be entitled to intervene in its affairs.

Bibliography: Gabriel D. 1959, pp. 104-6. Cf. Economidis - Nikolopoulos 1966, no. 40, pp. 272-3.

Index of exhibits of Monastery of Dionysiou
17th century

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