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ELPENOR - Home of the Greek Word

Three Millennia of Greek Literature

St Macarius the Great Spiritual Homilies

HOMILIES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

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33 Pages

Page 14

HOMILY 10: Concerning the treasure of Christians, that is, CHRIST and the Holy Spirit, variously exercising them towards perfection.

1. IF any one in this world is possessed of a treasure, with that treasure he purchases whatever he has a mind to.

Whatsoever he is desirous of he compasses with ease, and readily procures all possessions that suit his inclinations.

So also they who have found the heavenly treasure of the Spirit, the Lord shining in their hearts, fulfill that entire extent of goodness there is in the commandments of the Lord, from that treasure that is within them, CHRIST; and by means of that do they amass together a large store of heavenly wealth. For by means of the heavenly treasure do they work every virtue in the -whole circle of righteousness, and every commandment of the Lord, by the help of the invisible riches of the grace within them.

2. Whoever therefore possesses within himself this heavenly treasure of the Spirit, he fulfils in this spirit all the righteousuess of the commandments, and the complete practice of the virtues, without blame, and in purity; moreover without compulsion or difficulty. Then let us beseech GOD, and seek diligently unto him, and pour out our supplications before him, that he would freely grant unto us the treasure of his Spirit, that we may be enabled to walk in all his commandments without reproof, and without blemish, and fulfill all the righteousness of the Spirit in purity and perfection.

3. For he that is poor, and naked, and a beggar, can purchase nothing in the world: but he that has a treasure at command, without trouble, is master of what possession he pleases. So the soul that is naked, and destitute of GOD, cannot, would it ever so fain, produce any of the fruits of the Spirit of righteousness in truth and reality, before it actually partakes of the Spirit itself.

4. It behooves every one therefore to oblige himself by force to petition the Lord, that he may receive the heavenly treasure of the Spirit, so as without difficulty to be able to perform all the commandments of the Lord, blameless and in purity; which before, even with violence, he could never do. ror being poor and destitute of the communication of the Spirit, how should he come by such spiritual possessions? But the soul which, by faith and much patience, has.

found the Lord, the true treasure, produceth the fruits of the Spirit, and performs all the righteousness and commandments of the Lord, which the Spirit has commanded, in and by it, with purity, and free from blame.

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