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Η ίδια σελίδα στα Ελληνικά

George Valsamis
Meister Eckhart

Anthology, translation, introduction, notes

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— The text is in Greek —

6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm.), 228 pages
ISBN: 9781715115951
Language: Greek

Although complete works are not to be neglected, brevity itself has advantages, as is evident from the collections of patristic sayings. Yet those texts are characterized by their natural integrity while those published here are selected from larger texts, which means that the editor is responsible not only for the quality of their translation and commentary, but also for the integrity and functionality of their new form as excerpts.

I hope this anthology contributes to the greatest possible introduction into the Greek language of Meister Eckhart, a thinker as important as the most authoritative Fathers of classical Orthodox Christianity.

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