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Η ίδια σελίδα στα Ελληνικά

George Valsamis
Time and Creation

In Gregory of Nyssa and Meister Eckhart

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— The text is in Greek —

6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm.), 530 pages
ISBN: 1540791491 / 978-1540791498
Language: Greek

To what extent creation implies the Creator’s nearness to His works? What kind of ‘paradise’ man abandoned with the ‘transgression’? Which is the ‘prime matter’ of beings? What is the meaning for man of the spatiotemporal structure and change as opposed to the simplicity of the divine nature? What does the origin of beings ‘out of nothing’ mean? How is the divine will related to space and time? What is the meaning of the end of times? What does creation of man ‘according to the image’ mean? How is the soul related to Creation? How does Monotheism agree with trinitarianism and what is the real value of trinitarianism for the existence of God and man?

Raising questions related with these issues, the current study of the cosmology of Gregory of Nyssa and Meister Eckhart highlights also the importance of theoretical similarities and differences between the two great Christian Mystics.

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